Social media guidelines
The EGU encourages open discussion on social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and blogging platforms during the General Assembly. The guidelines set out here, in line with the conference rules of conduct, aim to provide means by which General Assembly participants can embrace social media while at the same time remaining respectful of presenting authors’ work and protecting their research output:
- It is prohibited to take photos or videos of any scientific material at the conference. Never post any images or video online without the authors’ explicit permission.
- The default assumption is to allow open discussion of General Assembly oral, PICO, and poster presentations on social media. However, please respect any request from an author to not disseminate the contents of their presentation. The following icon may be downloaded from the EGU General Assembly website for inclusion on slides or posters to clearly express when an author does not want their results posted on any social media networks or blogs.
- If you will be presenting your work at a press conference after your scientific presentation, please ask those in the room not to post about your research until after the press conference has taken place.
We thank everyone for following these social media guidelines for online posts. Be sure to include the official hashtag, #EGU17, when sharing snippets of your time at the conference on Twitter and elsewhere on social media.